Whether you’ve seen the Star Wars movies once, never seen anything Star Wars or watched all the movies and TV series more times then you can count, this website is designed for every level of fan to enjoy! With watch guides for first timers and anyone who wants to get the most out of the galaxy far far away, timelines to help keep it all straight and blog posts featuring original art, I hope you enjoy this site!

Star Wars:
Post, news and more!
Best way to watch Star Wars for the first time.
Movie, TV Series and Book timelines to keep everything straight.
If you’re interested in a Map of the Star Wars galaxy, Henry Bernberg created an amazing one! go check it out: http://www.swgalaxymap.com
“Fighter crashed, I saved the day. You’re welcome!”
– Ahsoka Tano
If you have any questions or comments don’t hesitate to contact me (Meegan) using the form below or via Instagram. I will try to respond as soon a possible! 🙂